k-means procedure
This method differs from hierarchical clustering in many ways. In particular:
- There is no hierarchy, the data are partitioned. You will be presented only with the final cluster membership for each case.
- There is no role for the dendrogram in k-means clustering.
- You must supply the number of clusters (k) into which the data are to be grouped.
At the end of the analysis the data are split between k clusters (where you decide what value to assign to k).
The method is conceptually simple but computationally intensive. At its simplest:
- Cases are initially assigned randomly to the k clusters. Imagine that you split a shuffled deck of cards into two parts (k = 2).
- Cases are then moved around between clusters using an iterative method so that a classification is produced such that the clusters must be internally similar, but externally dissimilar to other clusters.
- The analysis stops when moving any more cases between clusters would makes the clusters become more variable. For example, in the card example we might end up with a set of red cards and a set of black cards.
Cluster variability is measured with respect to their means for the classifying variables, hence the name k-means clustering. If more than one variable is used to define the clusters the distances (dissimilarities) between clusters are measured in multi-dimensional space (e.g. euclidean distance).
K-means using Minitab
The following example describes how to undertake a k-means clustering using Minitab. The data analysed are the February weather conditions in Bradford.
K-means clustering is obtained from the multivariate sub-menu from the stats menu.
The opening screen is quite simple and asks for
- the variables to use for the clustering;
- the number of clusters (k)
- and whether data standardisation is required.
There is also an option to store the cluster membership. In this analysis all of the varaibles, except year, are used in a standardised format with k equal to 4. Cluster membership is strored in an additional column.
K-means cluster results
Cluster membership for each year is shown below. 1986 stands out as an unusual year
1 1982 1 1992 1 1993 2 1986 3 1984 3 1987 3 1988 3 1989 3 1990 3 1991 4 1983 4 1985
Details of the analysis are given below. [skip]
Standardized Variables
Final Partition
Number of clusters: 4
Number of Within cluster Average distance Maximum distance observations sum of squares from centroid from centroid Cluster1 3 1.949 0.806 0.825 Cluster2 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Cluster3 6 29.074 2.008 3.449 Cluster4 2 1.565 0.885 0.885
The above table shows that cluster 3 has the most variability.
Cluster Centroids [[skip table]] Variable Cluster1 Cluster2 Cluster3 Cluster4 Grand centrd
MEANTEMP 0.6320 -1.9693 0.3160 -0.9112 0.0000 MAXTEMP 0.2861 -2.6300 0.5449 -0.7489 -0.0000 MINTEMP 0.3650 -1.7550 0.2246 -0.3440 0.0000 SOILTEMP 0.7125 -1.7575 0.1289 -0.5768 0.0000 RAINFALL -0.6989 -0.8488 0.7870 -0.8885 -0.0000 MAXRAIN -0.7554 -1.0072 0.8183 -0.8183 0.0000 SNOWDAYS -0.5779 2.5949 -0.2153 0.2153 -0.0000 GRASSDAY -0.7804 1.4828 -0.0780 0.6634 -0.0000
The above table gives the means (standardised) for each cluster. Recall that negative values indicate below average values, positive values are above average. This means that cluster 1 is above average for the temperature variables and below average for the other variables (warm, dry years?). Cluster 3 is also above average on the temperature variables, but also on the rainfall variables (warm and wet years?). Cluster 4 years appear to have been colder, with below average rainfall but aove average snowfall. Cluster 2 (1986) seems to have been very different from all other years in being particularly cold and snowy (I remember it well!). [[skip table]]
Distances Between Cluster Centroids Cluster1 Cluster2 Cluster3 Cluster4 Cluster1 0.0000 6.4141 2.4159 2.8933 Cluster2 6.4141 0.0000 6.2548 3.7966 Cluster3 2.4159 6.2548 0.0000 3.1973 Cluster4 2.8933 3.7966 3.1973 0.0000
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