Contact me:
Alan Fielding
Some conservation related stuff
Coming soon (or possibly much later)- conservation related content.
Coming soon....
In the meantime you can look at a web page detailed the results of a long term field experiment on Highland Renewal's Tireragan Estate on the SW tip of the Island of Mull.
Coming soon (well sometime in the future, after I retire) .... aspects of upland and raptor conservation, GIS and Conservation...
Featured Website: Geograph British Isles
A nice way to find photographs (and maps) of anywhere in the UK! Try MM3417 to see 'our beach' (see above) on Mull.
Featured Website: Royal Society Archive
The Royal Society archive now allows free access to more than 250 years of leading research including papers by Benjamin Franklin, Charles Darwin and Issac Newton.
Cumbrian Peregrine Story by Geoff Horne
(RSPB Gold Medal Winner), the DDT story by a wonderful man.
Eagles and native woodland Our new report for FCS explains how native woodland can be planted in Golden Eagle SPAs.
Golden eagle futures.
I am giving a talk to the RSPB Bolton branch on Golden Eagles on the 11th Dec 2014 (7 pm) at Canon Slade School.