
Coming soon (or possibly much later)- bird of prey related content.

Birds of Prey

Coming soon....

In the meantime you can read some of my jointly authored reports completed for Scottish Natural Heritage. First is a 2009 report which reviews the progress of Irish golden eagle reintroduction programme (pdf file 1,399 Kb). Second there is an earlier (and large) report setting out the national conservation framework for golden eagles. A 2008 SNH press release said "A new report has confirmed that some parts of Scotland no longer have viable populations of native golden eagles despite having the ideal habitat conditions for the species to thrive. A newly published Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) report concludes that there is clear evidence of the eagles' decline in areas where there still appears to be use of illegal poisoned baits." The report (pdf file, 1,266 Kb) can be downloaded from http://www.snh.org.uk/pdfs/publications/commissioned_reports/Report%20No193.pdf.

A copy our presentation to the SNH 'Sharing Good Practice' workshop on wind farm cumulative impact assessment can be downloaded from http://www.snh.org.uk/pdfs/sgp/A325037.pdf. The full set of presentations is also available (follow the link tot he archived site).

Coming soon (well sometime in the future) .... population models for various birds of prey, background to collision risk modelling (for wind farms) and more...

Featured Website: The Linnean Society Specimen Collection

A Trilobite

The Linnean Society holds Linnaeus' collections of plants (14,000), fish (168), shells (1,564) and insects (3,198) plus James Edward Smith's own plant (17,000 specimens) and insect (5,800) collections. The collections also include the library of Linnaeus (some 1600 volumes) and around 3000 letters and manuscripts." Find out more and view images of the specimens.

Featured Place: The island of Mull


The island of Mull is one of the best places in Britain and Europe if you want to see birds of prey: golden and white-tailed eagles, hen harriers, buzzards, kestrels, sparrowhawks plus, rarely, peregrine falcons and merlin. There is also a good owl fauna.

Golden EagleFollow some satellite tags eagles across Scotland at RaptorTrack

Golden EagleFind out where birds are being posioned on the PAW Scotland website