Clustering and Classification methods for Biologists

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Principal Components Analysis (Eigen values)

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Outline of eigen analysis methods

2 x 2 matrices

Understanding of the underlying principles is essential for many multivariate methods. The relevance of these values is shown graphically. (See the book, Statistics and Data Analysis for Geologists by Davis for a more complete description of this and matrix methods in general). This demonstration is of an eigen alysis restricted to a simple 2 x 2 matrix. This restriction facilitates a graphical description.Consider the following matrix in which the rows are the coordinates of a pair of points in 2-D space.

4    8
8    4

Graphically these points would be positioned as shown below.

Scatter plot of 2 data pairs, 8,4 & 4,8

Using the 0,0 coordinate as its centre it is possible to construct an ellipse, such that the two points fall on its perimeter.

Above graph with an elipse superimposed.



If you wish to draw the axes of the ellipse you need, in addition to their lengths, information about their direction. Eigen vectors are the coordinates that define the direction of the axes, whose lengths are given by the eigen values. However, eigenvectors, which are centered at 0,0, do not have unique values, each has an infinite number of possible values. This is because any coordinate on an axis allows it to be drawn.


Correlations and eigenvalues

Although not justified here, it is possible to represent correlations as vectors. Again, for simplicity, the explanation is first restricted to two dimensions. In the following plots two variables are shown, that become increasingly correlated. The format of the correlation matrices is:

correlation of x with x correlation of x with y
correlation of y with x correlation of y with y


Note that a variable correlated with itself always has a correlation coefficient of 1.00, and that the correlation of x with y is the same as that for y with x. Hence the matrices are symmetrical. The rows in these matrices form the coordinates for two points. Also shown on the plots are the major and minor axes of the enclosing ellipses. The lengths of these axes are the eigenvalues of the correlation matrices. Thus, for the first matrix they are 1 & 1, for the second 1.25 & 0.75, etc. Note that the eigen values sum to 2, which is the number of variables.

2 x 2 matrix
1.00 0.00
0.00 1.00
Scatter plot with 0 correlation Correlation matrix as a scatter plot Correlation matrix as a scatter plot with elipse overlaid
2 x 2 matrix
1.00 0.25
0.25 1.00
Scatter plot with 0.25 correlation Correlation matrix as a scatter plot Correlation matrix as a scatter plot with elipse overlaid
2 x 2 matrix
1.00 0.50
0.50 1.00
Scatter plot with 0.5 correlation Correlation matrix as a scatter plot Correlation matrix as a scatter plot with elipse overlaid
2 x 2 matrix
1.00 0.75
0.75 1.00
Scatter plot with 0.75 correlation Correlation matrix as a scatter plot Correlation matrix as a scatter plot with elipse overlaid
2 x 2 matrix
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
Scatter plot with perfrect (r =1) correlation Correlation matrix as a scatter plot Correlation matrix as a scatter plot with elipse overlaid

An obvious question but, what trends do you notice in the above plots?

As the variables become more correlated the major axis becomes longer whilst the minor axis becomes proportionately shorter. The limit is reached when the two variables are perfectly correlated. Under these conditions the major axis has a length of 2.0, whilst the minor axis has a length of 0.

0.7072 + 0.7072 = 0.4998 + 0.4998 = 1.00 (within the limits of the significant figures employed).

This is a commonly applied scaling for eigen vectors, it is certainly used in many multivariate statistical packages.

Note that the eigen vectors for the minor axis also share the same coordinates: 0.707 and -0.707. The equality of these eigen vectors is an artefact imposed by the two dimensional limit.


Extending beyond two dimensions

Similar relationships apply for any symmetrical matrix. For example, in a 3 x 3 matrix each point is now defined by x, y & z values. An ellipsoid could be drawn around these data (think of the ellipsoid as a rugby football). There would now be three eigen values, and their associated eigenvectors, which correspond to the three axes of the ellipsoid.

3D scatter plot
3D scatter as an elipsoid

Consider the following 3 by 3 scatter plots and their associated correlation matrices. Only the lower triangles are shown.

Scatter plot 1

3D scatter of x,y & z (no correlation)

  x y z   Eigenvalues vector 1 vector 2 vector 3
x 1.0       1.0 0.000 0.000 1.000
y 0.0 1.0     1.0 0.000 1.000 0.000
z 0.0 0.0 1.0   1.0 1.000 0.000 0.000

Scatter plot 2

3D scatter of x,y & z (0.5 correlation)

  x y z   Eigenvalues vector 1 vector 2 vector 3
  1.0       2.0 -0.577 0.085 -0.812
  0.5 1.0     0.5 -0.577 -0.746 0.332
  0.5 0.5 1.0   0.5 -0.577 0.660 0.480

Scatter plot 3

3D scatter of x,y & z (perfect correlation)

  x y z   Eigenvalues vector 1 vector 2 vector 3
  1.0       3.0 -0.577 0.000 0.000
  1.0 1.0     0.0 -0.577 0.000 0.000
  1.0 1.0 1.0   0.0 -0.577 0.000 0.000

Scatter plot 4

3D scatter of x,y & z (0.3, 0.6 & 0.9 correlation)

  x y z   Eigenvalues vector 1 vector 2 vector 3
  1.0       2.23 0.593 -0.525 0.611
  0.9 1.0     0.73 0.658 -0.121 -0.743
  0.3 0.6 1.0   0.04 0.464 0.842 0.273


Again, note how the correlation structure affects the eigen values. As the variables become more correlated so the length of the first eigen value increases. Note also that the sum of the squared eigen vectors equals 1.0, e.g -0.5772 + -0.5772 + -0.5772 = 1.00.

Try to guess the approximate sizes of the eigen values for the next three 4 by 4 correlation matrices (variables are labelled a, b c and d). Recall that the sum of the eigen values will be 4.0. You are not expected to guess an exact value, rather the relative magnitudes.

  a 1.00      
  b 0.00 1.00    
  c 0.00 0.00 1.00  
  d 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
2   a b c d
  a 1.00      
  b 0.90 1.00    
  c 0.00 0.00 1.00  
  d 0.00 0.00 0.90 1.00
3   a b c b
  a 1.00      
  b 0.90 1.00    
  c 0.20 0.30 1.00  
  d 0.15 0.10 0.80 1.00

The answers are:

  1. 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00
  2. 1.90, 1.90, 0.10, 0.10
  3. 2.23, 1.48, 0.23, 0.06


Self-Assessment Question: Data structure of correlation matrices

Decide which of the listed objects is a reasonable approximation to the shape of the data summarised by the following correlation matrices.

Matrix M1
1.0  0.0  0.0
0.0  1.0  0.0
0.0  0.0  1.0

Matrix M2
1.0  0.5  0.5
0.5  1.0  0.5
0.5  0.5  1.0

Matrix M3
1.0  0.8  0.1
0.8  1.0  0.0
0.1  0.0  1.0

Matrix M4
1.00  0.75  0.75
0.75  1.00  0.75
0.75  0.75  1.00

a) Orange
b) Rugby football
c) Pita bread
d) Cigar
The eigen values for the matrices are as follows.

Matrix 1: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0

Matrix 2: 2.0, 0.5, 0.5

Matrix 3: 1.8, 1.0, 0.2

Matrix 4: 2.5, 0.25, 0.25

The matrix 1 eigen values are all the same, therefore the data must form a well defined 3-dimensional cloud. Therefore, an orange is a reasonable approximation.

Matrix 2 has one long dimension, the other two are the same but much less. Since the 2nd & 3rd eigen values are the same this means that a cross section would be circular. Therefore, the rugby ball is a reasonable approximation.

Matrix 3 has one long, one medium and one small dimension. It is therefore an almost two dimension structure which is longer than it is broad - a pita bread is a reasonable approximation.

Matrix 4 has one dimension that is much longer than the other two, that share the same value. It is a thick, long object - almost one dimensional and a cigar is a reasonable approximation.
Check your answer


Why is eigen analysis so useful?

Imagine a set of data in 3-D space, i.e. where each point is defined by a x,y & z coordinate. Assume that these points are arranged in a cloud of points which resemble a rugby football.

An animated 3-D plot Matrix of equivalent 2 x 2 plots
Animated 3D scatter plot , r = 0.86, 0.02, 0.06 Equivalent 2D scatter plots

As this cloud of points rotates you should notice that it is very flat in one plane, this should be reflected in one small eigen value. The correlation for these three variables is:

  x y z
x 1.00    
y 0.86 1.00  
z 0.02 0.06 1.00

giving three eigen values of 1.865, 1.003 and 0.132. Re-examine the animated plot and the 2-D matrix plots now that you know the eigenvalues of the correlation matrix. Can you understand how these eigen values relate to this set of multivariate data?

Two more examples are presented below.

Example 1  
  x y z
x 1.00    
y 0.03 1.00  
z 0.02 0.04 1.00

Eigen values:

  1. 1.065
  2. 0.974
  3. 0.962
Animated 3D scatter plot , r = 0.03, 0.02, 0.04 Equivalent 2D scatter plots
Example 2  
  x y z
x 1.00    
y 0.81 1.00  
z 0.72 0.91 1.00

Eigen values:

  1. 2.631
  2. 0.297
  3. 0.076
Animated 3D scatter plot , r = 0.81, 0.72, 0.91 Equivalent 2D scatter plots

These axes are defined by the eigenvalues and eigen vectors of a matrix derived from the original data. They provide information about the dimensionality of the data and how the variables are related to each other and the main axes through the 'data cloud'.

Another way of understanding these new axes is to consider that when an ellipsoid's axes are drawn they are, in effect, new variables derived from the existing ones. This is a different approach to understanding multivariate data that froms the basis of PCA. It is, however, important to remember that it is the eigen analysis methods that provide a method for defining these new variables.

A simple way of creating a new variable is to make it a sum, i.e. a linear combination, of existing variables. This is explored in the next section.
