Why undertake a principal components analysis on these predictors?
Because there are too many predictors.
Because the predictors have different measurement scales.
Because they are highly correlated.
Because it will simplify the interpretation.
Because it will decrease the incorrect predictions.
Why were 2 components extracted?
Because this is the default option for a PCA.
Because this would halve the number of predictors, thus reflecting the use of petal and sepal characters.
A default analysis would extract only 1 component. However, the second eigenvalue is close to 1 and extracting it will retain almost 96% of the original variation.
How much of the original variation is retained by two factors?
What is the structure of the 2 components?
Function 1 is everything. Function 2 is everything except PETAL_L.
Function 1 is everything except SEPAL_W. Function 2 is mainly SEPAL_W.
Function 1 is the petal characters, Function 2 is the sepal characters.
Function 1 is SEPAL_W and Function 2 is SEPAL_W and SEPAL_L
Examine the plot of the factor scores. What does it suggest about the possibility of discriminating between the species using PC scores?
PC1 separates setosa very well, it also marginally separates the other two. So this should be the better discriminator. PC2 again marginally separates versicolor and virginica.
PC1 again marginally separates versicolor and virginica. PC2 separates setosa very well, it also marginally separates the other two. So this should be the better discriminator.
It will not be possible to separate out the three species using either function.
What is the maximum of discriminant functions that could be extracted during this analysis?
How many significant discriminant functions were extracted?
What are the structures of the functions?
Function 1 is almost entirely PC2, whilst Function 2 is perfectly correlated with PC1.
Function 1 is both PC1 and PC2, whilst Function 2 is perfectly mainly PC2.
Function 1 is almost entirely PC1, whilst Function 2 is perfectly correlated with PC2.
They make an equal contribution to both functions.
6. Which species does each function separate?
Function 1 separates setosa from the other two. Function 2 separates versicolor from virginica.
Function 1 separates versicolor from the other two. Function 2 separates virginica from the other two.
All three are equally separated by both functions,
How many cases were correctly classified using cross validation?
Which two species were most frequently misclassified?
Setosa and virginica
Setosa and versicolor
Versicolor and virginica
Equal misclassifications
Which of the 3 analyses would you consider the 'best'?