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Clustering and classification

ROC space with 6 points representing different classifers (A to F).[D]

Self-assessment question 2


Comparing classifiers

The figure above shows the performance of six classifiers, labelled A - F. Decide which of the following statements are correct.

a) D and F are worse than chance.
b) A is has the best accuracy.
c) C is the most conservative
d) C is more accurate than A
e) C will make the most false positive identifications.
f) Tossing a coin would outperform classifier F
F is close to the point where all cases are incorrectly classified, while D is on the 'chance' line. A is the best beause it is close to the point where every case is correctly predicted. B is almost as good as A. E is not much better than chance (close to the diagonal line), and will be very conservative while C is probably too liberal.F is close to the point where all cases are incorrectly classified, while D is on the 'chance' line. A is the best beause it is close to the point where every case is correctly predicted. B is almost as good as A. E is not much better than chance (close to the diagonal line), and will be very conservative while C is probably too liberal.
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